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Redistricting 101


This event has passed; please see the latest local redistricting news here on our website.

The public is invited to attend “Redistricting 101,” an informational program co-hosted by the League of Women Voters of Murfreesboro / Rutherford County and the American Association of University Women–Murfreesboro. Lee Anne Carmack, an active member of both organizations, will be the speaker.

What is redistricting, and why is it important right now?

When new census data is collected every 10 years, states redraw their state and congressional district lines. These districts determine how communities are represented at the local, state, and federal levels. The redistricting process is fundamental in influencing how our government works for us.

Redistricting will be happening in the fall of 2021 in Tennessee and Rutherford County.

Fair redistricting is an important part of the democractic process, as it upholds the sanctity of one person, one vote; and ensures fair representation at every level. Congress has the power to ensure a fair redistricting by putting in guardrails for elections and redistricting by supporting the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act.

Redistricting 101 is an overview of the redistricting process in Tennessee, which includes: defining district boundaries, reapportionment of the populations across districts, and the reallocation of federal funds based on population changes. In this presentation, we will share information on current legislation, the importance of public involvement in the redistricting process, defining and protecting communities of interest, and how to get involved in the redistricting process.

The League will be offering a second program later in the fall which specifically addresses redistricting here in Rutherford County.

About our speaker

Lee Anne Carmack wants to live in a world that truly advocates for justice and beauty. A world where integrity matters and fairness rules. She does her best to create this world through her work with AAUW (American Association of University Women), for which she hosts Get Out The Vote events and lobbies the state legislature for the elimination of the salary history question on Tennessee job applications. She elevates arts appreciation in her roles as board member and dance interest leader for Rutherford Arts Alliance, and she is a co-founder and an advisory board member of Blue Moves Modern Dance. Carmack was honored to serve as AAUW’s 2021 Athena Award nominee.

Join us online

We’ll open the Zoom room by 6:20 so that you can connect a few minutes early for a prompt start of our program at 6:30.

LWV-MRC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Redistricting 101

Time: Aug 10, 2021 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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September 14

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