Local and state redistricting update
Photo by Kory Wells
Update: A new state house district has been proposed for Rutherford County by Tennessee Republicans. Learn more in:
This WSMV story reports is more focused on Davidson County’s Congressional districts but includes a statement by LWV of Tennessee. Read LWVTN’s full statement here.
Update: Earlier posts:
The Rutherford County Commission has approved the redistricting map set by the local committee. Read more in this article in the Murfreesboro Post, or watch this Rutherford County TV video of our Nov. 9 event to learn more.
Meetings of the Rutherford County Redistricting Committee are now underway on a regular basis at the Rutherford County Courthouse.
Agendas and meeting minutes are archived here on the county website. We will try to keep this page updated with the next meeting date; in general the meetings will be most (but not all) Wednesdays from 5:30 to 7:30 PM. Meetings are open to the public.
This article in the Murfreesboro Post indicates the committee is close to wrapping up its work.
Past meetings, archived on YouTube, include
To learn more about redistricting, see this page on the state comptroller website, which includes guide to local redistricting and a county by county status dashboard. The Tennessee League of Women Voters is also hosting or co-hosting numerous redistricting events, many of which have virtual options.
Following a “Redistricting 101” program it held in August, the Murfreesboro / Rutherford League plans to host a program on the local redistricting process in November 2021.
What is redistricting, and why is it important right now?
When new census data is collected every 10 years, states redraw their state and congressional district lines. These districts determine how communities are represented at the local, state, and federal levels. The redistricting process is fundamental in influencing how our government works for us and the funds our communities receive.
Redistricting will be happening in the fall 2021/winter 2022 in Tennessee and Rutherford County.
Fair redistricting is an important part of the democractic process, as it upholds the sanctity of one person, one vote; and ensures fair representation at every level. Congress has the power to ensure a fair redistricting by putting in guardrails for elections and redistricting by supporting the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act.
The redistricting process in Tennessee includes: defining district boundaries, reapportionment of the populations across districts, and the reallocation of federal funds based on population changes.