Join or renew your membership online

Thank you for your interest in the League of Women Voters! Annual paid membership options are available below for

Prefer to write a check and join by mail?
Please print and fill out this form.

Are you a student?
Student memberships are free and available through this online application. (Students are asked to reapply each year they are a student.)

Dues are payable by July 1 of each year. We email reminders in May and June. You can also renew your membership at our annual meeting each May.

We use PayPal for a secure process that accepts your debit or credit card, even if you don’t personally have a PayPal account.

When you click the 'Buy Now' button below, you'll be taken to a secure PayPal form. 

If you have a PayPal account, you can login to pay. 

If you do NOT have a PayPal account, click the 'New to PayPal' button to pay with your debit or credit card. You will have the option to create a PayPal account, but you can pay as a 'guest' with no account required.

Your credit card statement will include the description "LWV-MBORO"

Please complete the following form and then click “Buy Now:”

Membership type

Member Name

Street Address





Email Address

Areas of Interest (ie Special Interests, Knowledge or Possible Volunteer Areas, etc.)

Comments (New or renewal membership, or any other comments)