Use the form below to RSVP to our annual meeting and pay for your dues, any donations, and dinner(s) in one transaction

Our annual meeting will be held at the Heritage Center, 225 W. College St. in downtown Murfreesboro, on Tuesday, May 14th. Join us for only the program, we hope you’ll be interested in joining us for dinner—and perhaps bring a friend!

Can’t make the meeting?

You don’t need to fill out the form below…but it is time to pay your annual dues. Please join or renew your membership now.

Important: Reservations are required by May 10th.

Use the form below to add one or more dinner orders to your annual dues. (Specifying 0 tells us you plan to attend the meeting but not make it for dinner.) Be sure to hit “Send” when you’re done. We’ll send you an invoice for what you owe (membership + donations + dinners + optional name badge), which you can pay for with a credit card or by sending us a check. If you plan to pay by check, please bring that night. Sorry, but no refunds will be available.

Dinner will be a Chipotle buffet and includes beverage and dessert.